Avimec is a safe and effective drop-on treatment, protecting budgerigars from mite infestation
Vetafarm’s Avimec is a highly effective treatment against Scaly Face Mites and is simple to administer. Treating this mite requires patience, and multiple treatments over time, depending on the condition of the bird and severity of the infestation. It can be as simple as applying Avimec and keeping on track with treatments – if you do this you’ll subdue this despicable mite with little hassle. These mites only live on the body, so it is not necessary to treat the cage with a mite spray.
What are Air Sac Mites in Birds?
Scaly Face Mite (or Burrowing Mites) are common parasites that infect budgerigars. The mite burrows into featherless areas of the bird, feeding on keratin and leaving characteristic honeycomb lesions as they burrow deeper into the tissue around the cere. Eventually, they make their way down the beak, affecting not only the beak but the cere and eyelids. The mites also attack the legs and feet of the bird, and in really severe cases, the bird’s vent can be infested.
The damage caused to the tissue can be extremely painful. If left untreated these burrowing mites will cause severe deformities of the beak, to the point that eating and drinking become very difficult and birds can actually starve to death.
Scaly Face Mite is highly contagious to birds and any infection must be contained. You can only do this by treating all the birds in your aviary.
Active Ingredient
1000µg/mL Ivermectin
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